Kentucky Performing Arts is excited to welcome you to our venues! We cannot thank you enough for your continued support.
When you come to The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts, the Brown Theatre, and Old Forester’s Paristown Hall, you can rest assured we do everything we can to provide a safe and healthy environment.
Currently, here is an overview of what you can expect:
We have developed new Patron Experience Guidelines to assist in making sure that we are all doing our part to keep KPA venues safe, welcoming, and enjoyable environments for everyone. You will agree to these terms through the purchase path before completing your ticket order. To review these guidelines, please click
We have enhanced our HVAC filtration systems with Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13 filters that meet standards set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). We have installed Bi-Polar Ionizers in our HVAC units to maximize air purification and quality during circulation.
All patrons entering KPA venues will be required to undergo a brief security screening through a magnetometer or use of a handheld metal detector.
Bags will be searched before entering the facility.
Prohibited items include:
- Firearms, Weapons
- Illegal Drugs or Paraphernalia
- Audio/Video Recording Equipment
- Professional Grade Cameras
- Glass Objects
- Laser Pointers
- Selfie Sticks
- Outside Food or Drinks
- Backpacks, including drawstring
- Large duffle bags
- Animals that do not provide a service or task, as defined under the ADA are prohibited
Security reserves the right to add, or modify the list of prohibited items, to ensure the safety of our patrons and guests.
*KPA will not provide storage
We are working to make your visit to our venues as contactless as possible.
Modifications include:
- Touchless Restroom Upgrades
- Encouraging cashless transactions at Parking Garages/Lots, Box Offices, Merchandise Kiosks, and Bars
- Mobile Ticket
- Touchless Ticket Scanning Practices
- Self-service Audience Magazine program distribution stations
- Daily sanitization of Audio Description/Assistive Listening Receivers
- Daily sanitization of wheelchair rentals
- Touchless Hand Sanitization Units
Since everything cannot be touchless, we encourage all guests, staff, and volunteers to wash their hands frequently or to use the hand sanitizer stations located throughout our venues.
We want to create an environment that is welcoming to everyone. However, if you are not feeling well on the day of your visit, please stay home. Contact our box office at (502) 584-7777 prior to your show and KPA and its presenting partners will do everything we can to assist you. Please stay at home and take care of yourself!
You play an important role in helping bring live entertainment to our venues. We thank you for your continued support, understanding, and enthusiasm.
Enjoy the show!
Special thanks to Norton Healthcare, the official healthcare partner for
Kentucky Performing Arts venues.

QUESTIONS? We are here to help! Contact us at for more information.
Protocols may be adjusted without notice in accordance with guidelines from government and public health officials.