Kentucky Performing Arts (KPA) has instituted a new program, KPA Spaces for All, that offers community-based artists and
organizations an opportunity to obtain rental assistance in its family of venues: The Kentucky Center (Whitney Hall,
Bomhard Theater and MeX Theater), the Brown Theatre, and Old Forester’s Paristown Hall.
Through this initiative, KPA helps to ensure local, qualifying organizations can successfully afford KPA venues at reduced rental rates. Applications for these awards are due 90 days prior to the event date.
Organizations seeking funding from KPA Spaces for All must have an operating budget of $500,000 or less and meet at least one of several requirements including: being a registered 501(c)3, being mission based, representing and serving youth or historically
underrepresented communities, or presenting underrepresented art forms. Additional Applicants who have received funding from KPA in the past year are eligible, however, any additional funding must be for a unique project. For more information
and requirements, visit
“Kentucky Performing Arts is continually seeking ways to better connect our communities through the arts,” said Kim Baker, President and CEO of KPA. “KPA Spaces For All, along with our ArtsReach Community Stages and the MeX Project initiatives, help reduce barriers for artists to share their work on our stages.”
Awards from KPA Spaces for All will range from $1,500 to $5,000. These awards are for a single, arts-based project to be presented in a KPA venue. Awards may be used toward overall venue expenses, including rental cost, production equipment and labor,
venue staffing and security costs. Funds will be applied at settlement and can only be used to support facility expenses.
Applications for KPA Spaces for All are open and ongoing, but requests must be submitted at least 90 days in advance of show/event dates.